May Comp. Rules DB update
MTG Guide 2.10.4 DB update has the new May 1st Comp. Rules document. Available now!
Avacyn Restored DB update
MTG Guide 2.10.3 in-app database update is available and includes Avacyn Restored cards, FAQs and Oracle updates. Grab it before your prereleases!
Dark Ascension DB update
The MTG Guide 2.9.6 in-app database update brings Dark Ascension cards, FAQs and January oracle updates. Available now!
Graveborn database update
The Graveborn Premium Deck was released today, so that means a new 2.9.1 update to MTG Guide. Grab the in-app database update now.
Innistrad Comp Rules and format rotation
MTG Guide 2.8.4 in-app database update is available. Includes new Comp Rules, Tournament Rules and legality changes from format rotation and the Banned & Restricted list update. (Oh, and includes Innistrad, which was added by the 2.8.3 update which I forgot to post about while busy prereleasing.) Grab it now.
New MTG Guide DB update
The MTG Guide 2.8.2 database update is now available. It adds “From the Vault: Legends” and “Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas”. Grab the in-app database update now.
MTG Guide Modern support
Version 2.8 of MTG Guide is now available in the App Store. It adds support for the Modern format, just in time for the Pro Tour. Note: Please also update the in-app database to 2.8.1 to fix a problem with legalities not show in the detailed card view.
July 15 Comprehensive Rules update
MTG Guide 2.6.7 database update is out, containing the July 15 Comprehensive Rules update. Get it via in-app update now!
Magic 2012 updates
MTG Guide 2.6.6 database update is now available, with Magic 2012 cards and FAQs, and the July 2012 Oracle updates. Grab it in-app!
July 1st MTR and IPG updates
MTG Guide 2.6.5 database update is now available and contains the July 1st updates to Magic Tournament Rules and Infraction Procedure Guide documents. Grab it in-app.